
  • 39 Channel Spectrometer with Nitrogen Analysis
  • Gas Analyser for Oxygen, Hydrogen & Nitrogen
  • Ultrasonic Testing
  • Magnetic Particle Test
  • Dye Penetrant Test
  • Steel with refining
  • Radiography up to 200mm (Iridium & Cobalt source)
  • Theodolite System - for Non-Contact Profile Measurements
  • Qualified NDT Personnel (Level II & III)
Spectrometer with Nitrogen Analysis
Gas Analyzer
Ultrasonic Testing Compressor Casing
Magnetic Particle Test for Compressor Casing
Radiography for casting
 Theodolite System - for Non-Contact Profile Measurements for Compressor Casing Casting
Dye Penetrant Test for casting

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Project By: CSIPL

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