Product Range

Slop / Vinasse Fired Boilers for Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) in Distilleries
Indigenous design for the boiler to fire 100% guaranteed slop quantity with minimum support fuel.
Features and Benefits
The design is based on the most reliable and easy to operate travelling grate technology and it's by far the most suitable, sensible, and sustainable solution
Fifth Generation Slop Fired Travelling Grate Technology for meeting Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) by burning 100% guaranteed slop quantity
Support fuel requirement is as low as 15% (on a heat basis)
Multiple support fuels such as Bagasse, Coal, Rice Husk, Wood Chips, and Biomass can be used along with Slop
Specially designed Air Preheater along with SCAPH to minimize Auxiliary Steam Consumption
Combination of Pre-Dust Collector and ESP / Bag Filter to achieve required emission norms
High-pressure Mechanical Atomization (spray) of slop through specially designed nozzles
100% steam generation on supporting fuel when no slop/spent wash is available. Power and steam demand can be met throughout the year