Product Range

Oil & Gas Fired Boilers
Capacity - 20 TPH - 600 TPH
Field Assembled
Pressurised / Balanced draft furnace
Membrane panel construction
Drainable superheater
Efficient and reliable Burner management system
High Efficiency - Low excess air
Environment friendly - Low Nox Emission
Ease on Maintenance
Shop Assembled Package Type
Oil & Gas Fired Boilers under license from Amec Foster Wheeler Energia S.L.U. (a Wood Group Company)
Simplified Modular Boiler Design
- proven technology
- wide experience
- conservative design
- designed to specific project requirements
- unique series offering standard geometries and flexible features
Monowall Construction
- to minimize refractory
- reduce maintenance
- gas-tight enclosure
- reduced CO emissions
- increased thermal efficiency<
No Bifurcation of Tubes
- eliminates overheating, thereby avoiding tube failures
- caused by localised recirculation
High Circulation Ratio
- efficient cooling of water wall tubes
- uniform heat absorption
Convective / Drainable Superheaters
- installed in convective section of the Boiler and shielded from the
radiant furnace by screen tubes
- faster boiler start up
- avoids corrosion during shut down
Serrated Tube-to-Drum Connections
- ensures integrity of tube to drum sealing
- inline tube arrangement to minimize gas side draft losses resulting in
reduced fan power consumption
Large Drum with efficient Internals
- to avoid water carryover
- high steam purity (99.95%)
- operational stability during boiler ramping
- increased drum retention for maximum system availability
Minimum Emissions
- through integration of burners, furnace geometry and air distribution
Skid Mounted Oil / Gas Train
Operation Flexibility
- high turndown - 1:10 for Gas Firing / 1:6 for Liquid Fuel Firing
- hot standby to full load in 5 minutes
- large load swings
- combination firing
- single push button start-up
Easy Maintenance
- sufficient observation ports and man ways provided for access
- to key maintenance areas