Isgec is having Collaboration and Technology Transfer Agreement with Babcock Power Environmental Inc. (BPE), USA for Wet FGD Systems for Coal fired Boilers of Unit size more than 100MWe.
BPE is an industry leader in the design and manufacturing of Wet Flue Gas Desulphurization systems and equipment. BPE has been providing environmental solutions since over four decades & have strong references of more than 66GW in FGD units for variety of fuels including lignite, low/high sulfur coals.
Isgec is having Collaboration and Licensing Agreement with United Conveyor Corporation (UCC), USA for Dry Sorbent Injection Systems on case-to-case basis.
UCC is a pioneer in Dry Sorbent Injection Technology which injects selected sorbents into the flue gas for SOx reduction in coal fired Power Plants. UCC has been providing environmental solutions since two decades and have strong references of more than 100 installations worldwide.
Isgec is having Collaboration and Licensing Agreement with Sumitomo SHI FW Energia Oy. Finland for Semi Dry Flue Gas Desulphurization Systems (Circulating Fluidized Bed Scrubber) for Thermal Power Generating Units of 50MWe and above.
Sumitomo SHI FW is a global, innovative provider of energy and environmental solutions dates back to 1891 and has several installations across the globe.